One of the most heated topics you can get into.
Let's table the greed and drivers of money acquisition for a moment and understand what you were never taught about money.
It makes a great servant but a terrible master.
Money is a reward for service rendered.
If you don't provide much value you won't earn much as people won't hire you, seek you out or buy from you.
Money is a value exchange.
If your value is trading your time for money then that is always going to be limited to the amount you can work per day.
You're also stuck because there is only so much per hour you'll be able to charge, even at that point you run out of time.
96% of the world is taught money is earned via trading time for money. The other 3% earn it from investments and the other 1% earn it by providing vehicles that the other 96% buy from.
Money is a decision away. + a strategic move.
Do you want to earn more? Then decide to earn more.
Decisions bear the fruit of reward.
You may scoff at the idea but there are many times in your life where you had no money but you decided to go on that trip, buy the dress, the car, or whatever and then you figured it out.
When you firmly decide on something you set up an attractive force that brings with it a new opportunity.
Your role is to then figure out how to exchange more in use value to others.
And it does not mean simply working more hours at a job.
Rather than doing extra shifts, get a better quality problem to solve.
A better quality problem would be how to sell 10 widgets at $97, making an extra $997.
You are creative and just because you've never done that before does not mean you can't begin today.
You figure out that problem your reward will be more money.
Explore the idea of working with Vaughan and let him coach you to excellence and transform your life today.
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