Throughout history, you could divide people into two categories.
Believers and non-believers.
The way you disseminate criticism, feedback and opinions are simple.
If it comes from someone who is a non-believer in your thinking, philosophy or model of the world - although making sure you have the right ethos; then it’s best to just pick the lesson you choose from the event, learn, grow then move on.
For example, you can learn a lot from people with opposite viewpoints but it doesn’t mean you need to succumb to their way of thinking or get derailed from your truth.
But your believers, those who truly believe in you, your message, your beauty, your work or art yet offer a criticism, critical eye, feedback or iteration are worth many times more.
They are the ones brave enough to help you grow without them turning their support away from you.
Both groups help you grow but pay less attention to non-believers and serve your believers, especially those who are kind enough to leave a comment or send feedback.
Explore the idea of working with Vaughan and let him coach you to excellence and transform your life today.
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