Three questions we ask at some point in our lives:
Who am I?
Where am I going?
Is it worth it?
Who you are is a complex and deep concept.
You are more than an envelope of skin encasing a soul.
You are more than the one million chemical reactions taking place each second in your body.
You are both infinite possibility and finite in your time; resource and physical limitations.
Whilst who are you is worthy of serious thought who you are becoming is the result of the micro-decisions you make each moment.
Your choices, whether you accept the fact you make the choices or they just happen to you, are made and they bear a fruit.
The consequence of all the decisions in your life made daily, when you string them together, formulate your results.
Who you were has happened but who you are becoming is a choice.
Explore the idea of working with Vaughan and let him coach you to excellence and transform your life today.
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