Where Do Ideas Really Come From?



Let me start off by saying this is a subject the best scientists in the world have no clue on, no one can say what consciousness really is, but here is my understanding on the subject.

There are two main things we need to know going into this:

1. Energy is. It cannot be created or destroyed therefore all your ideas are simply ideas moving in and out of form.

2. No new ideas. Because energy is, that means that all the ideas to solve all our problems are already here and there are no new ideas, there are only fresh perspectives on older ideas. Where did Leonardo da Vincis [1452-1519] helicopter drawings come from?

For a moment imagine that your mind is the universe; ever-expanding, ever reaching, infinite and constantly moving. The movement is referred to as vibration. Everything vibrates and nothing rests. All at varying speeds of frequency. 

The table in your room is vibrating at a certain rate and so is the glass in a window. If you think of a high pitch exploding a crystal wine glass that's when two frequencies hit resonance through the law of vibration.

The power that moves the universe and all its stars, suns and planets flow into and through your consciousness.

Similar to how a TV picks up the frequency of a channel from a broadcasting station so too does your mind tune into different frequencies of thought power.

Your conscious mind is where you have your mental powers like reasoning, the will, imagination, intuition, memory, and perception. 

Your superconscious mind is your connection to the infinite. It's where any concept or idea or answer can suddenly present itself from. If you turn your problems over to it you'll get an answer. It's also where the ideas and thinking you engage in turn into your habits as anything you plant here will take root.

The brain, which the conscious mind is hosted in, is finite in its capacity due to genetics that dictates cognitive ability but it taps into a "higher power" or universal intelligence or the infinite giving an almost limitless ability to come up with endless possibility thinking. The name you give this matters little it's the connection that matters.

Now, let's deal with ideas in two formats: Creative imagined ideas and synthetic ideas.

Creative ideas are those rich moments of genius you have had where flashes of inspired thinking have illuminated your path. There was a man who used to be paid to sit in a pitch-black room with nothing but a chair in it and he would turn over the problems and challenges he had and open himself up to the ideas to come to him, when they did he hit a button, the light turned on and the company would use his ideas.

This is your highest form of creation and your raw, real, unadulterated power. 

Along the lines of transmission, you may be getting an answer but it could also be blocked by "virus code" which could be the negative thinking, your internal dialogue, or paradigms washing out the connection.

Synthetic ideas are where you look at an object and you take it apart and imagine what another object would look like with it. It's a manufactured process to generate and stimulate idea thinking. 

For example. The modern car wasn't always as it was. Original cars had no air conditioners, no DVD, no GPS, no airbags, no seat belts. Engineers would look at other objects A and see how they could go with B. 

The same is true for the I-phone which is a mini-computer, not just a phone.

You really turn on your imagination for this to work well and for most imagination is killed during school. But I encourage you to start reliving your childhood and start re-imagining what your life could be like.

So we can create ideas in so many ways using either process but fundamentally your ideas will come to you from the frequency of the thought you are on.

The higher the frequency, the better the ideas.

The more aware you are the more open you are to receiving greater ideas.

Change your ideas - change your life.



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