Ever notice a documentary where a lion chases zebras; one gets picked off and then the zebras almost instantly return to grazing right near the kill?
Instinctual fear is vital for survival in the wild. That is you want to run if a lion is chasing you.
But is that response really needed in the normal day to day activities like speaking, presenting, trying new hobbies, or trying that new chai?
Logically we know that the answer is no.
Fear serves a protective mechanism, especially in the animal kingdom, but by in large fear dominates many facets of people's lives - what about yours?
The fear of what people think is actually a good thing as it helps to navigate what is acceptable and respectable behavior. Unfortunately, most people take this type of fear to the extreme and it inhibits their ability to perform, speak, or share ideas in public settings. This type of fear in VERY small doses can regulate your performance but it's by in large extremely unfounded as your actions are not going to get you killed, maimed, or even shunned from the community.
But most fear you’re going to face isn’t real. It’s not an external event literally threatening your life.
Its invisible fear because it’s not in the physical world and something out of your control.
You've created it in your imagination.
Imagine what you’re life would be like if you made that invisible fear, invisible?
Explore the idea of working with Vaughan and let him coach you to excellence and transform your life today.
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